Monday, October 29, 2007

Finishers are Team Players

Here is a superb recent post from Tom Peters regarding Individualism in Business.

Many of the things he brings up are related to being a finisher. I hadn't thought of it this way, but teams always out perform individuals.

Even if you are a sole proprietor in your business...look for a team.

Here is the link: Individualism in Business

Monday, October 22, 2007

Finishing when You Are Busy

In tennis there is a moment of shot recognition when your opponent can only make a defensive shot that is only just going to make it over the net. Once you recognize that they are not able to hit an offensive shot, you must "close on the net" in order to get to the ball before it drops below the level of the net...

Some people are waiters...they wait until the ball bounces and then blast it out.

Some people are flailers...they swing hard at the ball and blast it right into the net...their feet were not in position.

Finishers recognize the shot early, get in position, and close on the net in order to put it away.

I think that the ability to maintain your system, as well as a systematic approach to your work, when things really start flying is a finisher's quality.

My business and the "busy-ness" has really picked up in the last few weeks. More people are signing up for the basic Brain bucket website, and I am lined up to do consulting-type work with a great company. This is all great stuff that I have been working hard to make happen.

But that means that it is harder for me to finish the things that need finishing.

I see others that I consider good finishers handling this type of workload / flow much smoother than I do.

I keep telling myself to maintain my system and to take time to reset my work list...and to set aside enough time to complete my tasks.

Here are some other finishers from the weekend:

Oliver Truog (my brother) reached a huge, long-time goal when he qualified for the Boston Marathon this weekend. He ran the Kansas City Marathon in 3:09. GREAT JOB!

James Tomko (a great friend) completed a half Iron Man triathlon...That is a great achievement!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Make a "Honey Do" List for your Business

Finishers do little things right away, and put the big things in a plan.

I have a list of "honey do" items around the house and the yard and the car and the garage.

Unfortunately, those have been supplanted by larger and more pressing projects that take multiple weekends and late week nights to complete.

But this morning, as I walked to the car I saw four or five very small projects staring me in the face. They are little things that I know I must do. Things that I know I will feel better about walking to the car and playing in the backyard once I get them done. I just haven't made them a priority...other things that are more important always jump in line.

Sound familiar? Does that sound like some parts of your business?

I have said before that I struggle with finishing and that is why I write this blog. So here's my confession for the week. I basically ignore those things until either (1) someone yells at me to get them done and stop sitting on the couch watching football, or (2) I get so sick of them myself that I decide to make them a priority.

What are the things you are not finishing?

For many business owners I have worked with, this could be as simple as setting aside part of a day each week to outline a sales system and to build a marketing plan. Then you will need to adopt some of the other finisher's qualities in order to actually make sure that those things get FINISHED.

This weeks book list:

"The Power of Focus" - Amazon Link Here

"Mentally Tough - the prinicples of winning at sports applied to winning in business" - Jim Loehr is a big time sports psychologist who turned his ideas towards business people a number of years ago. HERE is that book. I find things in this book that help me every day.

Blogs to check in with:

Shawn Kinkade will get your head back in your business: Aspire Blog

Stephanie Diamond: As always, Stephanie has some great business perspective. Read this and take the advice! More Ideas, More Profits?

Jerry Smith helps me every week. Read this blog and get your head straight: Accord Coaching

Monday, October 1, 2007

Finishing and Not FInishing...

The Kansas City Chiefs were playing at the same time I was playing a tennis match yesterday. One of us did a great job finishing, and the other did not.

The Chiefs were on the road, coming off of several sub-par performances, and against a top-notch team from last year. They never quit. They were behind in the first half and they stuck to their game plan, kept making good plays to put their opponent under pressure, and they never quit.

I, on the other hand, felt like the San Diego Chargers. The weak part of my game was constantly under pressure. The better part of my game was ineffective, and I lost focus. I didn't quit...but I did go in the tank. I rallied late and finished with a few good points and a few tough games that we won...but I was terribly disappointed with my performance.

I know I am better than I played...and yet I didn't put any "finish" to my game. I was hanging my head late in the match, and I wasn't engaged like I should have been.

Today's Finisher's quality: Finishers Never Quit.

Even when all seems lost, a finisher digs in, gets back to the basics, and Never, never quits.

Take that and go finish this week.