Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Brain Bucket Subtraction Update

Hello all,

I have heard from many of you about the several things you are subtracting from your working lives. I think everyone has at least had this on their minds over the past couple of weeks. I am here to tell you it is not too late to join the Challenge!

The goal here is to first DEFINE what your world is.

Then, lay out how will you become the Best in the World ... the best in YOUR world.

Then, Subtract the other stuff.

SO...if you have subtracted things from your life and you have not posted it on my blog, by all means share it with us!

Leslie has an interesting take on this on the Brain Bucket Forum thread called Subtraction is Hard. At the moment, that is the only discussion thread. Anyone interested in more?

I heard from Jerry Smith, a personal and business coach, who said he is subtracting non-agenda meetings...read his comment to this POST. You should also read his Balance Life / Work blog.

I have heard from others. Comment to this post and be featured!

It is another week and time for another subtraction. Last week I subtracted obsessive email checking. By not "working in my in box" I had to plan my work and as a result...I worked WAY more efficiently.

My subtraction for this week:

It is a personal one that is having a HUGE impact professionally. One of my goals is to wake up earlier and not be so rushed in the morning. The ONLY way I can make that happen is to Subtract my late night TV habit.

Therefore...as much as I enjoy give in to my late night nature...I am going to subtract my two plus hours of couch potato time that comes AFTER 10 p.m.

What can you subtract?

Finishers Make Time to Focus

I have heard from many of you that you continue to look for things to Subtract from your working lives. (If you haven't read about my Subtraction Challenge...do so HERE)

In keeping with the idea that I need to connect the dots that get us from being a great Finisher to how and why that is important to your business.

Finishers Make Time for Focus -

I have recently started reading a very strong blog called Zen Habits. As of today he has more than 46,000 readers...maybe we should pay attention to how he is doing that!

Leo has a very good post this week called How to Make Time for your Personal Goals.

The quote he has at the bottom of his post from Yoda is one of my favorites.

"Try not. Do or do not. There is no Try."

You can focus on your goals, personal and professional. Instead of giving in to the crowded nature of our days....stop.

Stop and Make Time to Focus. Great Finishers do this. By blocking the non-essential stuff out, you will create time in alliance with your motivation.

Oh...and go check out this week's Subtraction Challenge update HERE.