Monday, September 17, 2007

The Productivity Formula

I once had a sales manager who gave me the mathematical formula for productivity.

Productivity = effort divided by interruption.

In the language of this "Finisher's" Blog, I will take that to mean that the more I Finish the things that interrupt my day, then the more productive I can be.

Of course, there are always stops and starts to any day. I believe that The Finisher is the person who finishes the interruptions quicker and moves back into productivity mode.

Most of us are working very hard and doing our best to work smart. If you keep your effort consistent from week to week, the only way to become increasingly productive is to reduce the distraction of your interruptions. FINISH them before they take over your day.

Here is a link to Seth Godin's blog. He is a key finisher for me. Seth is all about redefining marketing, and work, in order to do remarkable things. His post, Is good enough enough?, is relevant to this finisher's blog because of its focus on redefining your work.

Here is a post from a new friend and business coach Shawn Kinkade. Shawn takes a good look at activity vs. productivity HERE.

Here is a post that refers to a very good book for any business person to read, it is The Four Agreements. This post is from a blog that is called Book Yourself Solid. The blog and the website are a little commercial for me, but the ideas do resonate with me. Here is the post: The Four Agreements

Final Thought:

A finisher takes responsibility for his actions. A work day and a work week is all about finishing.

1 comment:

Shawn Kinkade said...


Thanks for the shout out - I'm appreciating the whole finishing concept. I would say it's a significant issue for almost everyone and if you can even partially solve it you will be ahead of the game.